Startup shutdown modes oracle database – Activity

In this post, we will perform an activity on startup and shutdown modes of Oracle database.The startup modes include startup open, startup mount, startup nomount and

shutdown modes include shutdown abort, shutdown transactional, shutdown normal, shutdown immediate.

Also read the startup and shutdown modes of Oracle database concept.

Database shutdown modes

They are of four types

  • Shutdown normal or shutdown
  • Shutdown transactional
  • Shutdown immediate
  • Shutdown abort

Database Startup modes

They are

  • startup nomount
  • startup mount
  • startup open



A database in nomount state can be mounted using the following command

A database in mount state can be opened using the following command

A database which is in opened state cannot be mounted back.

Database shutdown modes

Shutting down the database with immediate option


an excerpt from alert log file for shut immediate


Shutting down the database with abort option


an excerpt from alert log file for shut abort

If the database is terminated by shut abort, the instance recovery is performed on next startup.

An excerpt from alert log file during startup after shut abort