PostgreSQL Tutorial for Absolute Beginners [Administration]
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Parameters derived at initdb command execution

Some of the parameters derive the value from the environment variable or setting status of host at the time of initdb command execution, and set it in the postgresql.conf file.

Parameters set at the initdb command execution Parameter Setting Default Value
max_connections 100 100
shared_buffers 128MB 128MB
dynamic_shared_memory_type posix posix
log_timezone Derived from the environment variable GMT
datestyle Derived from the environment variable ISO,MDY
timezone Derived from the environment variable GMT
lc_messages Derived from the environment variable
lc_monetary Derived from the environment variable C
lc_numeric Derived from the environment variable C
lc_time Derived from the environment variable C
default_text_search_config Derived from the environment variable ‘pg_catalog.simple’

Recommended Setting

In PostgreSQL, many parameters and attributes are defined, and changed it if necessary. It is recommended to use the following values at first as the initial state.

Recommended parameter values

Recommended parameter settings in a typical system is as follows.

Recommended parameters to be set in the postgresql.conf file Parameter name Recommended value
archive_command ‘test ! -f {ARCHIVEDIR}/%f && cp %p {ARCHIVEDIR}/%f’
archive_mode on
autovacuum_max_workers Greater than or equal to the number of database
max_wal_size 2GB
checkpoint_timeout 30min
checkpoint_warning 30min
client_encoding utf8
effective_cache_size Amount of installed memory
log_autovacuum_min_duration 60
log_checkpoints on
log_line_prefix ‘%t %u %d %r ‘
log_min_duration_statement 30s
log_temp_files on
logging_collector on
maintenance_work_mem 32MB
max_connections Expected number of connections or more
max_wal_senders Slave instance number +1 or more
server_encoding utf8
shared_buffers 1/3 of the amount of installed memory
tcp_keepalives_idle 60
tcp_keepalives_interval 5
tcp_keepalives_count 5
temp_buffers 8MB
timezone Default
wal_buffers 16MB
work_mem 8MB
wal_level replica
max_replication_slots Slave instance number +1 or more


Client authentication is controlled by a configuration file, which traditionally is named pg_hba.conf and is stored in the database cluster’s data directory. (HBA stands for host-based authentication.) A default pg_hba.conf file is installed when the data directory is initialized by initdb. It is possible to place the authentication configuration file elsewhere, however; see the hba_file configuration parameter.

A record can have one of the seven formats


local      database  user  authmethod  [authoptions]
host       database  user  address           authmethod  [authoptions]
hostssl    database  user  address           authmethod  [authoptions]
hostnossl  database  user  address     authmethod  [authoptions]
host       database  user  IPaddress  IPmask  authmethod  [authoptions]
hostssl    database  user  IPaddress  IPmask  authmethod  [authoptions]
hostnossl  database  user  IPaddress  IPmask  authmethod  [authoptions]

More details:

Enabling archivelog mode

Edit the following parameters in postgresql.conf file and restart the cluster.

archive_mode = on
archive_command = ‘cp %p /u01/archives/%f’
archive_timeout = 5min
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